桉油精是一种无色液体的天然有机化合物。它是一个环醚和一个单萜。由于其宜人的辛辣香气和味道,桉树醇被用于调味剂、香料和化妆品。以桉树油为基础的桉树油在各种产品中被用作低含量(0.002%)的调味剂,包括烘焙食品、糖果、肉制品和饮料。在1994年,五大卷烟公司发布的报告中,桉油精被列为卷烟的599种添加剂之一。据说它是为了改善味道而添加的。桉油精is an ingredient in many brands of mouthwash and cough suppressant, as well as an inactive ingredient in body powder.Eucalyptol is also used as an insecticide and insect repellent.Eucalyptol is one of the popular food additives and ingredients in most countries.As a professional Eucalyptol supplier and manufacturer of food additives, Foodchem International Corporation has been supplying quality Eucalyptol to customers all over the world for over 10 years. If you have any questions or wish to receive a quote, please feel free to reach us by email:inquiry@foodchem.cn或者通过电话:+86 21 2206 3075。我们的销售人员将在1个工作日内回复您。